Christians Sincerely Following the New Testament
Christians Sincerely Following the New Testament



Sundays @9:30am

We have Bible classes for all ages every Sunday morning beginning at 9:30am.


Sundays @10:30am

We begin our worship on the first day of the week at 10:30am, during which we observe the Lord's Supper.

Our Address:

135 Longview Drive

White Rock, New Mexico, 87547

We are located in the White Rock Community Center. This is in a cluster of buildings, with the main entrance being under #135.

Entrance to the Building
Entrance to the Building

Many people hesitate to visit a church unless they know what it will be like when they go. Perhaps we can help you know what to expect when you visit one of our services.

What You Won't Find

  • Don't expect to be embarrassed. You are a welcomed and respected guest. No person will approach you in such a manner as to annoy you.
  • Don't expect to be begged for money. The church depends on the local members only for financial support.
  • Don't expect any show of ostentation. We are not interested in impressing anyone with our building nor are we seeking to impress with ritualism or sensationalism, or entertainment. We simply desire to study God's will for our lives and to worship Him in the manner prescribed in the New Testament.

What To Expect

Expect the worship to be simple and devout. Since our purpose is to be governed in all acts of worship by the Bible alone, our worship consists of only those elements which were part of the worship of the early church. We sing spiritual songs, pray often, partake of the Lord's Supper each Sunday, teach God's word, and give as we have been prospered. We seek to maintain the attitude Christ enjoined when He said: “God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him is spirit and truth,” (John 4:24).

Expect  acapella congregational singing. Since the new Testament instructs Christians to sing in worship, (Ephesians 5:19) and (Colossians 3:16), we encourage everyone to sing.

Expect to find Christians. We wear no distinctive name that would divide Bible believers. We submit to no religious authority other than the inspired scriptures. Thus, by following only the teachings of Christ and His Apostles, we are simply Christians, (Acts 11:26), just as His disciples were in the first century.

Expect to find a friendly spirit and atmosphere. We believe that friendliness is a natural attribute of God's people. As a visitor, you will always receive a warm welcome from us. We truly hope you will accept our invitation to visit us soon.